Monday, January 2, 2023

Lights of New Year's Eve and Other Winter Poems


Lights of New Year's Eve

(a haiku series)

Out in Singapore
They get to celebrate first
Fireworks dazzle

In New York City
The glittering Wedgwood ball
Descends to applause

At the frozen poles
Mindless of the calendar
Aurorae flicker

Winter's Breath

Ice crystals forming
On the shiverstruck window
Reflect the fire's glow

The Ice Storm

Rain freezes and drips
Stark crackles and icy slips
In winter's embrace

=====haiku is a Japanese form of short poetry that is comprised of three lines, in a 5-7-5 syllable pattern, usually with nature or the natural world as the subject. It is intended to challenge the poet to distill an observation to its essence to create the simplest, purest, and most powerful impression.===

Image Credit » by WikiImages

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